Join us at 9am // 10:45am
2853 Dunlop Lane, Clarksville, TN 37043 • Get Directions
You can come as you are. Whether you feel more comfortable dressed up or in blue jeans and a t-shirt, Grace is open to everyone. We hope you’ll consider joining us this week.
In the meantime if you’d like to see what we do at Grace, you can check out one of our recent sermons on our archive page, or you can watch a service live on a Sunday morning from your computer or phone. We broadcast Sundays at 9:00am & 10:45am CST.
Looking for one of our past services? // CLICK HERE
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Upcoming Events
Women’s Connection Night
Women's Connection Night
This is an evening designed to meet and connect with women at Grace. January's Women's Connection Night will be going on the road for a field trip to the Embrace Women's Event.
Men’s Steak Night
Men's Steak Night
This is a night for the men of Grace Community Church to gather together, eat freshly grilled steak, worship God, and grow in Christ and community.
Parent Dedication
Parent Dedication
Parent Dedication is a time set aside where parents make a commitment to intentionally parent their child with an end in mind with friends and family.
Discipleship Groups
Discipleship Groups
Discipleships groups are short-term (5-8 weeks) groups where a small group meets once a week to learn about a specific spiritual practice and discuss how to incorporate this practice into your spiritual walk with Christ.
Care Groups
Care Groups
Care groups are short-term (5-8 weeks) groups where a small group meets once a week to offer direction, discussion, and prayer over a unique hurt or trial.
Empty Bowls Fundraiser
Empty Bowls Fundraiser
Empty Bowls Clarksville is a fundraising event where 100% of the proceeds go to our local partners Loaves and Fishes, Urban Ministries and Manna Cafe.