Resources mentioned in the Bible Recap this month:

Day 32-35: Exodus 1-18 Overview Video

Day 32 – Article about the 10 Plaques

Day 36-43: Exodus 19-40 Overview Video

Day 37 – Monotheism PDF – Discusses the existance of other gods and our worship of the ONE true God

Day 38 – Tabernacle Tour Video

Day 44-53: Leviticus Overview Video

Day 44 – Article explaining the 5 Major Types of Offerings

Day 50 – Article explaining why we don’t still follow all the OT Laws

Day 51 – Article explaining the Festivals/Feasts

Day 54-60: Numbers Overview Video

Day 54: Diagram of the Encampment around the Tabernacle 

Day 59: Psalms Overview Video

February Reflections and Corrections Episode – Overview of what we have read so far & explanation of Slavery seen in the Bible


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