The church in Philadelphia is the sixth church and youngest city in our study of the seven churches in Revelation. This church was experiencing ex-communication from the prominent Jewish community and from the Roman Empire. Philadelphia was a church struggling with isolation and loneliness. Jesus speaks to the city in Philadelphia with tenderness, praise, and a reminder that He was with them and that they were part of His family. Like Smyrna, Philadelphia is the only other of the seven churches that Jesus doesn’t address with a rebuke but only with praise, love, and encouragement. This church might have been small and seemingly weak, but when faced with hard circumstances, they were found faithful. Jesus’ call to this church is for them to continue running the race before them with perseverance.
There are only two weeks left in the reading plan. Easter will be Sunday, April 17th and we are gathering at both 9:00am and 10:45am. We’d love to celebrate the resurrection with you as you come to the end of our Lent Reading Plan.