Hope For the City - Grace Community Church

Hope for the City

Hope Pregnancy Center of Clarksville, TN is a Christ-centered ministry committed to upholding the Sanctity of Human Life by providing hope and help through Biblical counseling, education and assistance in the areas of crisis pregnancy, post-abortion trauma and sexual purity. Located in the heart of downtown Clarksville, they are poised to help women choose life for their unborn.

Grace Community Church is partnering with Hope Pregnancy Center during the month of April by conducting a baby shower for Hope. Listed below are the most needed items. You can drop these off at Grace Community Church on April 30th.

The kids ministry at Grace will be doing their part by participating in Change for Life. Make sure your child gets a baby bottle on April 23rd and returns it on April 30th. They can empty all their piggy banks and ask family members to give their change for Hope by placing it in the baby bottle. All proceeds collected will be given to Hope Pregnancy Center.

Please direct any questions to ccrosby@graceclarksville.com




Sleep sacks

Baby shampoo

Baby lotion

Baby bath towels

Bottles (new)

Diaper bags

Burp Cloths

***Sizes needed

Preemie, newborn, 0-3 months and 4T, 5T and 6

Items Needed

  • Diapers, NEWBORN or SIZE 4 specifically
  • Baby wipes
  • Baby lotion, baby wash, baby shampoo
  • Hooded towels
  • Baby washcloths

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