Men's Steak Night - Grace Community Church

Marriage Night at Grace

October 4th, 2024 from 6:00 – 8:00pm

Marriage is the union of two people who are promised to be together forever, and yet that forever can be really hard sometimes. In light of that journey of forever, you’re invited to an important and special evening on October 4th, where we have created a night for couples of all ages to come together to share a meal and hear how a better marriage can help us deepen our own relationship with God.  Join us for Marriage Night at Grace Community Church on Friday night, October 4th from 6pm to 8pm.

The event is free (including dinner), but there is a small childcare fee. Our childcare capacity is limited. Cost for childcare is $10 per child, with a max $20 per family.

We have seen an OVERWHELMING response to Marriage Night at Grace, which is super amazing; unfortunately this response has forced us to close registration at this time. However, you can join our waitlist and we will be in touch quickly if a space opens up for you and your children on this special night. 

 We sincerely apologize that there is not room available at this moment, but will be working hard to accommodate new families as space becomes open.

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